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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

First Post "One Per Day"

This blog is about mixed media art. 

I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Debbie, I am also known as Daytona Damsel and I love creating. 

The purpose of this blog is to share my mixed media art journey and to have a place where my followers in my new ministry can come to get more info. My new ministry is to teach others to pray with art, specifically mixed media art. I am still in the process of setting this up so check back later for more info if you are interested. 

One Per Day

Two weeks ago I shared on Facebook that I was going to create one piece of art per day for a year. The first week I did well but as the days wore on I started running out of ideas. Some days it took most of the day just to decide on the colors of the background. LOL
When this would happen I would go online to get inspiration on Youtube and Pinterest. Today I stumbled upon a video for Dylusions Paint color mixing. I didn't care about what colors go together; I already know enough about color combining to be dangerous. What caught my interest was the fact that she was preparing nine background pages at one time for future use. Duh. Why didn't I think of this? 

Today I sat down and prepared eight pages with paint, stencil and stamps. Now I am ready for a week's worth of art. From now on I will take one day a week to prepare my back grounds, even if I have to spend a little more time one day a week in my studio painting. But spending more time painting is not really a problem because I love to paint and it was so much fun trying different paint combos.   

I could not figure out how to link the video from Youtube but the artist name is Umut Rados and the video is titled 9 Easy Backgrounds With Dylusions if you would like to watch it. Umut has some great color combos. 

Do you prep backgrounds ahead of times in groups? I would love to hear from you and I respond to every comment I receive.

Give Away

I will be giving away supplies in the future, sign up to follow me so you don't miss out. 

Have a Blessed Day


  1. If I did it correctly, I should be following you now. Looking forward to it! Love all of your artwork. Love and hugs! Donna B.

  2. Debbie, I've always enjoyed your quilting posts on your old blog, but I think what you're doing now is so much more creative and spontaneous. I'm so looking forward to seeing more. I thought you said you couldn't draw, but it looks to me like you certainly can. I'd love to be able to draw like you. xo
