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Friday, June 23, 2017

Praying with art

Praying with art is something God laid on my heart in the Fall of 2016. I was in my second year at the 2 Year Academy for Spiritual Formation and I was praying about what to do for my two year project. My original plan had ran into a lot of barriers which made me realize that it was my plan not God's. 

My desire to find a ministry and my love of creating came together in this God inspired way:
Praying or expressing what you hear from God with an art journal.

Ash Wednesday Journal entry.

Art journaling is very popular right now, especially mixed media art journaling because it is freeing and you can start with little to nothing in art supplies. I will go into more detail as we move along. 
I can tell you that it has helped me relax and stop fretting and I spend less time striving for self perfectionism.

Journal Page from 06/23/2017

I need to work out a schedule for posting regularly and how often to post the suggested scripture or topic for prayer. Perhaps you can help me by answering a few questions.

How often would you like to receive a focus Scripture verse or topic to art journal? Weekly or monthly?
Do you prefer a Scripture passage or focus like love, forgiveness, etc. or both?

I will be posting more info in another blog post about tools and supplies, where and how you can pray with your art. But let me encourage you right now by getting rid of some negative thoughts you may be having. 

1.  You do not have to know how to draw (I can't), paint or write neatly (another thing I am not skilled at) 
2.  You are not creating museum pieces or pieces to sell. You do not have to show anyone, including me what you did in your journal. This is between you and God. 
3.  It is not expensive to do. You can find many items in you or your children's "stuff".
4.  Finally, yes you can do this. You will wonder why you waited so long. 

Sign up to receive my post via e-mail and join this amazing journey with me.



1 comment:

  1. Debbie, I love this and I want to join in! I've subscribed to your blog so I don't miss anything. As to your questions, I like the idea of a weekly verse or topic, but knowing myself and my current schedule I probably am more likely to actually do this if I receive one monthly. However, don't rely on me as your guide. I can always join along when I'm able, regardless of how many you post per month. Hugs, Nancy
