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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Questions About Starting

Questions. I am sure you have many so I will strive to answer the most common ones. But let me tell you what I can't answer first. I can't answer questions on technique or teach anyone to paint or draw, I am not an art teacher. There are many wonderful art instructors in any kind of technique you can think of on Youtube. That is how I learned to do mixed media art. I can only share my experiences and limited knowledge about art, color theory and the like. Below are a few I and others have asked of the instructors I follow. 

1. Do I have to be an artist? Know how to Draw? Paint? and similar questions? All answered the same, NO! We are not creating masterpieces or museum pieces. Heck we do not have to show anyone our work at all. This entire experience is between you and God. Yes I am setting up a closed Facebook page for us to share our artwork if we like, but this is not a requirement. You can even join and only look at other's artwork if you like. 

Below is my first art journal page. I used magazine cutouts, Elmer's Glue and some inexpensive craft paints. 

2. Is it expensive? No.  I started with a hardbound book I bought at a thrift store. All you have to do is glue 2-3 pages together to make them heavier. If you are using paint you might want to get some Gesso to pretreat the pages. Gesso is a little pricey but will last sometime in a small journal. (I used Elmer's glue or a glue stick to glue the pages together). 

I recently saw a blog where the lady used the composition books you find everywhere, even the Dollar Store. She glued together two pages and she was set.  For Modge Podge I used a recipe I found by googling home recipes for Modge Podge. It is made with Elmer's and water. For color use children's crayons and watercolor paints. I was lucky to have some bottles of acrylic craft paint my daughter gave me. You can find different acrylic craft paints in small bottles at Michaels, JoAnns, basically any craft store and some big box stores that are very inexpensive. Use a coupon or wait for a big sale. Those little bottles last a long time. You only need primary colors of blue, red and yellow along with black and white to mix up a huge assortment of colors. Same goes for paint brushes. The inexpensive brushes and children's paint brushes work fine. I use my fingers more than brushes anyway. Remember we are not painting a masterpiece here. I use wax paper for a paint pallet, you can use old plastic lids, paper plates etc. I use the wax paper to cover my table too. That is what the blue tap is holding down in the picture above.

There are all kinds of "stuff" out there to tempt you but stick with a minimum to start with. You can use found objects for stamping and texture in your kitchen and yes, even the bathroom. Think toilet paper roll and makeup sponges. I recommend a standard pencil and white eraser as well. To sum up, this can be a very expensive process or an inexpensive process. Just don't go for the really expensive stuff to start. The set of brushes pictured above are less than $6 from Amazon and there nice brushes to start painting with. Here is the name:

Heartybay 10Pieces Round Pointed Tip Nylon Hair Brush 

I have two cartons of "stuff" I bought when I started because that was what the Youtube instructor was using. I will probably never use all that "stuff" so take it from someone who learned the hard way, go slow in the beginning when it comes to supplies. 

3. How much space do I need? I use half of my small kitchen table. I even have used a small motel room desk when traveling. It mainly depends on the size of your painting/drawing/collaging surface and the tools you use. I know art instructors who have little travel boxes set up to use on an airplane tray. 

4. How much time does it take? It can take as little or as much time as you have. Especially if you can have a separate space dedicated to you and your supplies. I am a widow living alone so I have the whole house to myself. Well maybe not the bed. My poodle Malady only weighs 15 pounds but takes up over half the bed, right in the middle. LOL If you can't have a dedicated spot you can create a small drawer or box to hold your journal and supplies at the ready. Then you can just grab and set up anytime you have 15 minutes to listen and create.  I have even created a page in 10 minutes but I have my supplies set up and ready to go all the time. 
My current prayer journal.

I know I have probably missed some questions you might have so feel free to ask any questions you might have in the comments below. I will be happy to answer those I can.

Until next time, have a blessed weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Debbie, this is so helpful. Really good information. I'm pinning it for later, hoping to give this a try. xo
